Thursday, April 17, 2008

Digital Fiction

I just came across a post on BoingBoing to some new digital fiction put together by Penguin. I'm excited about this for two reasons. First of all, each of the pieces (there are six in all) experiments with a different digital form. Second, a major publishing house is demonstrating interest in digital literature--great news for someone who's hoping to write, and write about, some digital lit himself one day.


Anonymous said...

Interesting - just checked out the first one which is told on Google maps. I like the concept but the navigation (switching between clicking [1], [2] or [next]) is a pain. I think they need to find something unconscious, perhaps keyboard shortcuts, so you're not constantly interrupted by finding how to read the next bit.

Ed said...

I agree--it's hard to navigate and they could do a lot more with the medium. Imagine pulling in geotagged images from flickr using the story for keywords. Or Even creating an enhanced 'street view' set of images with actual characters in there.

If you're going to use geography as another character, why not really go all-out?