Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dissertation Update #3: The Book of the Month Club

I've gotten my Bourdieu (it turns out it wasn't poached, but misdelivered to the right house on the wrong street). It is looming rather smugly over me on the shelf.

I've been listening to Amy Hungerford's undergraduate course on American novels post-1945. This is possible through a new Yale University initiative to make several of their courses available online--syllabi, audio and video. The first book she tackles is Richard Wright's Black Boy and she tells the fascinating story of how the Book of the Month Club, which published it, dramatically influenced it editorially.

This dovetails nicely with one of my current reading projects, Janice Radway's A Feeling for Books, which starts off with an anthropological mission to The Book of the Month Club just as the realities of modern publishing were catching up to it. At least I think that's how things will turn out--I'm only in Part I.

Curious, I tried accessing the Book of the Month Club website. They're still a going concern though from what I gathered on news sites the new owner, an outfit called Direct Brands, is cutting staff.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dissertation Update #2: Somebody Poaches my Bourdieu

It's been quite a week around here. I've been working on a long-running editing project, made my first visit to the ASU campus (and its library), and put together a paper proposal for next summer's Digital Humanities Conference.

In the midst of all that and an unusually busy social schedule, I didn't notice that my copies of Pierre Bourdieu's Distinction and The Field of Cultural Production had never arrived from Amazon. It looks like somebody poached the box from our front porch! I hope they enjoy massive French sociological tomes. The ironies here are left as an exercise for the reader.

Next week I'll start drafting my dissertation proposal and post some more details about the general outline of my project.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dissertation Update #1: Wherein the Expedition sets off in Crisp Morning Sunshine

I'm going to try a little motivational experiment here by writing about my progress on the dissertation. I don't know how frequently I'll be doing this but I hope at least weekly.

Right now my topic, broadly, is the question of cultural capital in an era of digital literacy. How are ecologies of reading and writing evolving online and what does that mean for authorial fame and fortune? I have many more ideas but I'll save them for future posts (and more mulling).

The reason I'm writing now is to share the geeky thrill I felt when I picked up a stack of books from the ASU library today. It's been a bit of a struggle getting access and requesting books from a new institution where I have no official status, and it's a relief to know that I can still track down the books I need.

I'll put texts up in LibraryThing as I tackle them. Time to get reading!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I'm downsizing. My long-running blog Parlay began as a personal experiment, evolved into a largely unsuccessful promotional vehicle, dawdled along as a lifeless bundle of digital flotsam, and now has finally been put to rest. Maybe with just one garden of words to tend I can do a better job. Http:// will now point here.

I hope to write here about my research, the looming dissertation (more on that in a separate post), and items of more general interest.